February, 2023
In the winter of 2023, Anna Dart utilized the power of AI to create the imaginative world of the "Reborn" series, exploring the concept of transformation and metamorphosis. Each piece depicts surreal creatures in pastel colors, featuring expressive portraits against a minimalist background. These artworks capture the essence of shedding old skin and embracing a new formation, inviting the viewer to experience a fresh start and a new beginning. These works gained widespread popularity in the AI art community, being invited to participate in three different shows across the globe: Seoul, New York, and Dubai. Discover the beauty and wonder of this extraordinary collection that celebrates the power of change and transformation on Ethereum blockchain.
“REBORN” is a good luck charm, a mystery to awake, a glimpse of the future, and a new chapter to forever entwine.” - by Anna Dart, January 10, 2023.
Created for & exhibited at Superchief Gallery NFT, NY, USA.
GAN, Digital, 5977 x 2924, 2023.
Created for & exhibited at the NFT Korea Festival, Seoul, South Korea.
GAN, Digital, 6000 x 2895, 2023.
Created for The Upside Space NFT marketplace, Dubai, UAE.
GAN, Digital, 6219 x 3000, 2023.
GAN, Digital, 1664 x 2384, 2023.
GAN, Digital, 1838 x 2304, 2023.
GAN, Digital, 1664 x 2398, 2023.