
What my dear clients say about my work

My advice? Take her, and do not look back.

If you are reading this, I presume you have a significant level of interest in partnering with Anna somehow, whether as an investor, associate, manager, agent, buyer, curator and etc.

I have known Anna until today with a substantial level of depth and insight as to what goes on inside her, and there is infinitely more to her than meets the eye.

I cannot even count the amount of artists I have met in my life. I have seen hundreds of artists put forth what they may claim as "art" while spewing nonsensical political messages, and I have seen hundreds more creating "art" without any level of depth or meaning or individuality. Anna's art however expresses a great deal of the metaphysical world that we tend to forget, and the shadow world that we keep inside us as eloquently elaborated by Carl Jung and others.

Should you have any level of philosophical perceptions in life, emotional depth, spiritual sensitivity, or even simple raw passion and curiosity to the inner workings of the human experience, all you have to do is pick her mind and begin to ask her about how she sees the world. My advice? Take her, and do not look back.

Emilio A. Canteli, Zürich


I started my art-collection with The Dart.

Aesthetically & intellectually


Johannes Röhrenbach, Zürich

take your breath away

Anna Darts kunst tar pusten fra deg, bokstavelig talt. Hun fører sine pensler med sensitivitet og en unik sans for form og farge.
Hun våger der ingen andre tør og feirer livet i all sin komplekse enkelhet.

Espen Lauritzen, Oslo

your paintings to be in a museum

Anna love, you are simply phenomenal. Ugh!! Just the fact you exist means so much to me. You have such an exceptional gift of capturing the essense of intimacy with your paint brush. I can definitely see you are having some spiritual enlightment! Your art is one of the biggest influences behind my own drawings. I adore those teasingly seductive appearances of you on your photos.  I adore the sensual nature your paintings portray, the movement that is captured in them, and the way you combine realism with the mysterious nature of watercolours. I hope to someday be able to also create such explicit beauty as you do.


For now I can’t wait to frame the art and hang it on the wall! You are so lovely! I don’t comment a lot of the art I see, but yours deserves to be talked about so much! I am happy to enjoy it! The way you respesents the erotism is so classy. I so love your interpretation of Erotism. It is a reminder of how we let our memories or fantasies play out inside our head throughout the day. Building up that tension inside while we try to focuse on other parts of our lives as well. Does it ever cross your mind that someday there will be someone taking care of your paintings in a museum somewhere?

Edward D, Ohio

 amazing artist

Ho sempre pensato che per comprendere l'arte si dovesse aver bisogno di un background di conoscenze, esperienze tali, da poter rendere visibile ciò che un artista cerca di esprimere attraverso le sue opere. Ho sempre pensato che la mia totale ignoranza nel settore fosse incapace di rispondere e quindi comprendere la domanda che un artista porgeva al suo pubblico attraverso la sua opera.. Ammirando le sue di opere, miss Dart, ho immediatamente e inspiegabilmente compreso che quella domanda deve restare tale, che è arte ciò che in realtà non può essere spiegato ma semplicemente percepito.. È arte ciò che colpisce, impressiona, fulmina, ravviva qualcosa che si pensava non potesse mai essere illuminato. È arte ciò che rende vivo qualcosa che si pensava fosse completamente vuoto, dimenticato.

Ho sempre pensato di non essere in grado di capire l'arte.. Poi incontrai la tua!

You're an amazing artist, you touched my heart without even looking me in the eyes.

Thank you, Miss Dart.

Brian Fortini, Rome

 furiously creative

Anna The Artist, I’ve never seen anyone be art with every fibre of their being before. You are soft, kind and furiously creative. It seems to pour from you. Every piece of your work that I see gives me a new taste, a new feeling, and I know I’m not the only one.


Thank you for bringing magic into this world. It’s an honour to know you and be inspired by you.

Sal Harris, artist, Edinburgh

hypnotized in your art

Dear lovely Anna,

Thank you so much for your amazing work, the 3 pieces plus the extra one which was an unexpected amazing suprise,

I'll sit for hours with music on behind me and your music in front of me, getting lost and hypnotized in your art, the world needs more people like you, big love and kind regards.

Paul Darby, Cornwall

Each stroke feels like a caress

La obra de Dart nos recuerda muchas veces a la irreverente pintora italiana Carol Rama; pero es mucho más sugerente. Cada trazo parece una caricia; a veces sublime, a veces látigo; pero siempre sugerente. Sin colores muchas veces. El color está en la expresión de un gemido, en una lágrima. Irrespetuosos trazos para quienes simulan no haber disfrutado del sexo. Blasfemos movimientos para impíos. Descaradas miradas que no dejan indiferente a quien se deleita con su obra. Obra atractiva, disuasiva, estimulante, evocadora, llamativa, provocativa,  retrospectiva y sugestiva que convierten a quienes estamos fuera de sus cuadros en un observador voyeurista y parafílico, contemplativo. 


Cada trazo es un verbo o un adjetivo para convertir cada conjunto pictórico en algo augusto, mayestático, señorial, solemne, sublime, esplendoroso, magnífico, grandioso, regio. No hay alarde en la obra de Anna Dart, no hay insinuaciones. Hay evidencias sin ser estridentes pero siempre de forma sugerente, delicada; como delicada es la vida etérea de una amapola. Son instantes. Instantes que se convierten en hechos fascinantes como la vida misma. Instantes que provocan delirio y embeleso; arrebato, encantamiento, elevación, pasmo y misticismo. Pero qué es la vida y su magia si no todo eso.

Guillermo Morales Catá, Barcelona

For the first time in my life, I’ve wanted a painting in my home

Me ahorro el protocolo de cordialidad, saludos efusivos, presentaciones vacîas y halagos excesivos. Tal como expresas en toda tu Obra, seré directo sin miramientos ni florituras. Nunca el Arte Gráfico me había atrapado de tal manera como tu Obra. Tus pinturas transmiten tanta Belleza a la par de crudeza, tanta Sensualidad e Erotismo,tanta tragedia y realismo, tantas emociones, sentimientos y sensaciones juntas... Han despertado tanta curiosidad y Misterio en mi piel... Anna, te feliçito de molt bona gana. Es la primera vez en mi Vida que he deseado tener un cuadro en mi casa y que me haya hecho soñar con que alguna vez alguién , tú, me haga ilustraciones de alguna de mis novelas. Podrías hacerse realidad?  No nos perdamos de la vista. He sentido muy próximo este sueńo... Gracias por todo cuanto has conseguido evocar en mí. 

NaYum A.M., Barcelona

Anna is an outstanding painter

Anna 是一位很优秀的画家。我非常欣赏她的作品。除了色彩丰富以外,也可以从她的作品感觉到很丰富的感情。
我跟Anna 是好朋友,她来伦敦的时候都会跟我玩,她的性格很善良也很酷!

Wilson, Hong Kong


Vor einigen Jahren entdeckte ich Anna´s Kunst auf der Art Fair in Köln. Sofort spürte ich die Besonderheit ihrer Bilder, die sich durch Sinnlichkeit und starkes handwerkliches Talent auszeichnet. Seit dem ist es mir immer eine große Freude mein Bewusstsein mir ihrer Kunst zu unterhalten.       



Anna, a fellow storyteller!

Dan Brown, novelist, Exeter, New Hampshire

truly magnificent

It is a pleasure to be able to wholeheartedly recommend a moment of appreciation on Anna’s art pieces. Her paintings bring about and embrace the deepest and hidden desires we lock deep within our minds. The rawness and power from a single piece which plants a seed into our conscious intellect that sex rules the “oh so material world” that we live in.

Upon being analytical and using intuition, you get to sense a whole world being uncovered. The vulnerability of human beings painted on the canvas for a mere expression of our political incorrectness and her every stroke and thought portrays the embrace of sex to the world.

Anna really does have a way to touch our inner fears and desires through her canvases. A truly magnificent representation of the current dimension we all live in. A real collectable about the complex material human experience.

Cleon Leck, HONG-KONG

beautiful and powerful 

I have been deeply allured by Anna Dart’s expression of art on paper – one aspect of her art portraying the seemingly simple use of watercolour paintings on paper yet capturing the very essence of a moment in time during passionate lovemaking or the embracing of the sexuality of self; the other using a variety of bold colours to fill expressive pieces with gravity and depth, intricate gestures and deep expressions of innate strength, portraying both movement and stillness.

Anna’s artworks express the shadow side of sexuality that is rarely portrayed in the world – the vulnerability in wanting to seek out deep love and connection and to embrace the rawness of one’s most intimate desire, rather than the more suggestive and lustful nature of sexuality commonly portrayed in mass media.


Her ability to capture solitude of ordinary people and the perpetual discovery of the characters to connect in a profound way greatly appeals to me. It also shows the deep sense of purpose in her creation process, her brushes and strokes adding sensuous sensitivity to depth, invoking realism. Her style in creating portraits with erotic potentials is a beautiful and powerful instrument she wields which could make a difference in this world.

Lynn Yap, Tallin